How Much Does a Divorce Cost in Illinois

how much is a family law attorney

One of the biggest problems with the institution of marriage is that its prevalence often forces people to make rather rash decisions when they are still too young to fully think things through in some way, shape or form. Most people tend to get married when they are in their mid twenties, and it is rarer to find individuals waiting until the maturity of their thirties to take part in this ancient tradition. That is essentially the driving force behind the high rate of divorce in modern society.

Suffice it to say that you are not fully formed as an individual in your mid twenties, and that means that you and your partner could grow apart from each other like branches diverging despite coming from the same central tree trunk. If you live in Elmwood Park, IL, you should try to look into divorce costs. A big part of the reason why that is the case has to do with the fact that divorce can be really expensive, often costing upwards of fifteen thousand dollars if the process is being contested by the other party.

However, if both people agree to the divorce and there is no contest, you can get it done for as little as five thousand dollars. It’s best to try to find a solution outside of the court system. Fighting a divorce case in court is liable to bankrupt you, and you might not have anything left that is worth preserving. Some situations require urgent divorces though, particularly in cases of abuse, so you should spare no expense if that is what you are currently going through since time is of the essence.

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